Our Products

Customer Alerts

Protect Users from Account Compromise

As customers are becoming increasingly more privacy aware and concerned with the dangers of storing their personal details online they exhibit caution when entering credentials, address, and payment information during online interactions. Customer Alerts is a frictionless user experience for security minded businesses who want to empower and protect their user's data from compromise.

2 of 3 customers feel that businsesses have a corporate responsibility to protect their data and visible security influences their decisions to use services and transact online.
Protect Users from Account Compromise

An Industry Leading Best Practice

Empower users with an additional layer of security already used by some of the leading brands and technology companies in the world.

PayPal Google LinkedIn Instagram Spotify Pinterest Snapchat twitter

Continuous Feedback and Visibility

Customer Alerts gives businesses an edge in fighting back against account compromise and unauthorized access. By gaining first-party feedback and visibility into the health of their user's accounts they fight fraud as it happens.
With live user data, businesses detect and mitigate security threats in real-time, protecting users, data and their resources.

Continuous Feedback and Visibility

Stop Breach in Their Tracks

Notify users of suspicious activity and empower them to stop damage before it happens across online interactions such as Login, Purchase, and Account Changes.

New Device

New Device

Unknown Location

Unknown Location

Zero Friction Challenge

Zero Friction Challenge

An Industry Agnostic Solution

Integrate into any B2C, or B2B2C platform where customers or user data is exposed to potential compromise.
We're proud to serve businesses from a broad range of industries including:

E-Commerce E-Commerce
Technology Technology
Education Education
Mobile App Mobile App
Travel and Entertainment Travel & Entertainment
Banking and Fintech Banking & Fintech
Cloud and Infrastructure Cloud & Infrastructure
Corporate IT Corporate IT

Fully Managed and Customizable

Customer Alerts is the fastest, easiest, and most cost-effective solution to deploy an Alerting modality in any system.

A Fully managed and customizable SaaS solution
  • Leverage an industry best practice
  • Increase user account security
  • Protect organizations from reputational, regulatory, and monetary loss.
  • Quick and easy to deploy
  • Fully customizable
  • Eliminate technical debt and maintenance

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Ready to get started?

Use Customer Alerts to Protect Your Users and Business

Account Takeover

Account Takeover

Stop Identity Theft and User Impersonation.

Visible Security

Visible Security

Build User Trust and increase conversions.

Legal & Compliance

Legal & Compliance

Detect and report on account compromise across your community.

Learn more about our Use Cases